Wireless Communication, B.Tech UPTU,(2003-2004)

B.Tech (U.P.T.U.)
Wireless communications
Q.1 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.1(a) Define the far-field (or fraunhofer region)of a transmitting antenna. Find out the received power n dBm at a free space distance of 1 km if the power transmitted from a unity gain antenna is 50 watts.
Q.1(b) Name some of the commonly used outdoor propagation models for mobile commutation systems. Discuss any one of these in brief.
Q.1(c) Explain, briefly the physical factors influencing small-scale fading in radio channels.
Q.1(d)What are various time dispersion multipath channel parameters used for designing of wireless systems? Define them and give their mathematical expression.
Q.1(e) A flat Rayleigh signal at 6 GHz is received by a mobile travelling at 60 km/hr. Determine duration of a fade below the rms level.
Q.1(f) How much bandwidth is required for an analog frequency modulated signal that has an audio bandwidth of 5KHz and a index of three? How much output SNR improvement would be obtained, if the modulation index is increased to five? what is the trade off bandwidth for this improvement?
Q.2 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.2(a)Discuss a method of locating co-channel cells in a cellular system.
Q.2(b)With the help of received signal level plot, explain the difference between an improper and a proper hand off situation.
Q.2(c) Give a point-by-point brief note an channel planning for wireless systems.
Q.2(d) What are the various techniques possible to improve coverage and capacity in cellular systems? discuss cell splitting in brief.
Q.2(e)How does Gaussian MSK differ from MSK? discuss GMSK in brief.
Q.2(f)What makes code-Excited lpc(CE-LPC) a difficult option as speech encoder out of other LPC encoders? Discuss in brief.
Q.3 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.3(a) Define bandwidth efficiency and relate it with error correction capability in bandwidth limited application. Discuss any block code encoder and decoder used for error correction.
Q.3(b) What is the fundamental difference in concepts for calculating the capacity CDMA cellular system over FDMA cellular system.
Q.3(c) Giving in brief description of system architecture and interfaces. discuss GSM system for mobile communication.
Q.4 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.4(a) Describe a common channel signaling (CCS)network architecture based on SS7.Discuss network services part of SS7 and draw a layered SS7 protocol architecture.
Q.4(b) Give a brief account of developments so far achieved in wireless multimedia services.
Q.4(c) What restricts a wireless in local (WLL) service to be regarded a mobile cellular service? compare both to highlight technological difference or similarities.
Q.5 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.5(a) Mobile satellite communication.
Q.5(b) Third generation cellular systems.
Q.5(c) Universal mobile telecommunication systems.

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