Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Elucidate the functions of statistics.
Q2. What are the methods of statistical survey? Explain briefly.
Q3.Tabulate the following data:
Age: 20-40; 40-60;60-above
Departments: English, Hindi, Political science, History, sociology
Degree level: Graduates, Post graduates; PhD,
Total students in age group and in degree level.
Q4. The data given below is the distribution of employees of a business according to their efficiency. Find the mean deviation and coefficient of mean deviation from Mean and Median:
Efficiency Index 22-26 26-30 30-34 34-38 38-42
Emloyees 35 15 5 2 25
Q5. What is conditional probability? Explain with an example.
Q6.The probability that a football player will play Eden garden is 0.6 and on
Ambedkar Stadiu is 0.4. The probability that he will get knee injury when playing in Eden is 0.07 and that in Ambedkar stadium is 0.04.What is the probability that he would get a knee injury if he played in Eden.
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Elucidate the functions of statistics.
Q2. What are the methods of statistical survey? Explain briefly.
Q3.Tabulate the following data:
Age: 20-40; 40-60;60-above
Departments: English, Hindi, Political science, History, sociology
Degree level: Graduates, Post graduates; PhD,
Total students in age group and in degree level.
Q4. The data given below is the distribution of employees of a business according to their efficiency. Find the mean deviation and coefficient of mean deviation from Mean and Median:
Efficiency Index 22-26 26-30 30-34 34-38 38-42
Emloyees 35 15 5 2 25
Q5. What is conditional probability? Explain with an example.
Q6.The probability that a football player will play Eden garden is 0.6 and on
Ambedkar Stadiu is 0.4. The probability that he will get knee injury when playing in Eden is 0.07 and that in Ambedkar stadium is 0.04.What is the probability that he would get a knee injury if he played in Eden.
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