Programming in C/C++, M.B.A. (PTU)

MBA Third Semister, MBA-541
Instruction to candidates:-
1. All question of section-A are compulsory. Each question carry TWO marks.
2. Attempt any nine questions from section-B. Each question carry FIVE marks.
Section A (15*2=30 marks)
1. Write short note on :
(a) Differciate keywords and identifiers.
(b) What is the role of pre-processor directives?
(c) What do you mean by operator and operand?
(d) What are various standard I/O functions used in c language?
(e) What do you mean by control statements?
(f) What do you mean by array?
(g) List the various string operations?
(h) What is the role of return statement?
(i) What do you mean by recursion?
(j) How can you declare a pointer?
(k) What do you mean by precedence of operators?
(l) Define abstract class?
(m) What are static variables?
(n) What is Function Overriding?
(o) What are input/output stream in C++?
Section-B (9*5=45 Marks)
2. List and explain different types of data types in C?
3. Write a program to find the number of and sum of all integers greater than 10 and less than 100 that are divisible by 7?
4. List and explain various types of control statements in C language?
5. What are various type of array? Explain each with appropriate examples?
6. Write a C program to multiply two matrices and also multiply the resultant matrix with third matrix?
7. What are functions? How can you declare and call a user–defined function?
8. What do you mean by the dynamic memory allocation?
9. Write a program that reverses the elements of a given array using pointer parameters?
10. Explain the concept of constructors and destructors with the help of suitable examples?
11. What is inheritance? List and explain different types of inheritance in C++?
12. Write a program to implement stacks in C language?
13. Explain the concept of polymorphism with the help of suitable examples?

Applied Operatons Research, M.B.A

 MBA (P.T.U.)
Third Semister, MBA-541
Instruction to candidates:-
1. All question of section-A are compulsory. Each question carry TWO marks.
2. Attempt any nine questions from section-B. Each question carry FIVE marks.
Section A (15*2=30 marks)
1. Write short note on :
(a) Operation research
(b) Two application of OR.
(c) Slack and surplus variables.
(d) Multiple optimum solution in L.P.P
(e) Dual of a dual is primal
(f) Unbalanced tanspotation problem
(g) Travelling salesman problem
(h) Features of game theory
(i) Saddle point
(j) Principal of optimality in dynamic programming
(k) Group replacement
(l) Queue discipline
(m) Assumption of EOQ
(n) Float
(o) PERT
Section-B (9*5=45 Marks)
2. “O.R is an art of winning the war without actually fighting it.”Explain.
3. Briefly discuss the different types of madels used in operations research.
4. Solved graphically.
Minimize Z = 6X1+14X2
Subject to 5X1+4X2 >=60
Where X1 and X2>= 0
5. Write dual of the problem and solve by simplex method
Minimize Z = 3X1+2X2
Subject to 7X1+2X2 >=30
Where X1 , X2>=0
6. Solve the following transportation problem by NWCM.
Project A Project B Project C Supply

Wireless Communication, B.Tech (2009-2010)

B.Tech (U.P.T.U.)
Wireless communications
Q.1 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.1(a) Consider free space propagation model. Calculate the received power is dBM at a free space distance of 100 meter from the transmitting Antenna, if the transmitter produced 50 Watt of power and it apply to unity gain antenna with a 900 Mhz carrier frequency.
Q.1(b) Explain three basic propagation mechanism. Consider ground reflection model. Calculate total electric field at any distance from transmitting antenna?
Q.1(c) What are the small-scale multipath propagation? Discuss the factors influencing small scale multipath fading.
Q.1(d) A general design rule for microwave link is 60% clearance of the first Fresnel zone. For a 1 km link at 2.5 GHz , what is the maximum first Fresnel zone radius? What clearance is required for this system?
Q.1(e) Derive the impulse response model for a multipath channel.
Q.1(f) Do practical link budget design using log distance path loss model.
Q.2 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.2 (a) Explain the working of direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) with the help of block diagram.
Q.2(b) A FF-SS user 50 KHz channels over a continuous 20 MHz spectrum. Fast frequency hopping is used, where two hops occurs for each bits. If BFSK modulation is used find out number of Hops per second if each user transmits at 25 kbps.
Q.2(c) Derive probability of error for coherent binaryPSK modulation is slow flat fading channels.
Q.2(d) Derive the average probability of bit error for DS-SS system for K number of user.
Q.2(e) Discuss survey of equalization techniques.
Q.2(f) Classify and explain diversity techniques used in wireless communication.
Q.3 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.3 (a) With the help of block diagram, explain the working of linear predictive coder system. What are the advantages of non-uniform quantization ?
Q.3 (b) Elaborate the features of frequency division multiple access scheme. Give its two applications. If in AMPS, cellular operator is allocated 12.5 MHz for each simplex band and if Bt is 12.5 MHz, Bguard is 10 KHz, find the number of channel available in an FDMA system.
Q.3 (c) Classify speech coders and explain with suitable diagram each type in brief.
Q.4 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.4 (a) Discuss the importance of adjacent channel interference. How capacity improvement is achieved using cell splitting approach?
Q.4 (b) What is prioritizing hand offs and where it is used? If 20 MHz of total spectrum is allocated for a duplex wireless cellular system and each simplex channel has 25 kh. RF bandwidth, find number of duplex channel and total number of channel per cell size, if N=4 cell resuse is used.
Q.4 (c)(i) What are various channel assignment strategies? Explain them.
(ii) Discuss the concept of macro, micro and pico cells. When do they become useful?.
Q.5 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.5 (a) What does GSM stands for? Describe its entire working. What are the features added in 2.5G wireless network from 2G network?
Q.5 (b) Disscuss the features of IS-95 in details.
Q.5 (c) Explain IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol and write the parameter of IEEE standard.

Wireless Communication, B.Tech (2004-2005)

B.Tech (U.P.T.U.)
Wireless communications
Q.1 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.1(a) Find a propagation loss in db in a system operating at 2.7 GHz when the mobile unit is a distance of 213 m from base station. The transmitting antenna has an aperture of 1 meter and receiving antenna aperture is 10 cm.
Q.1(b)(i) What is a slow fading channel, fast fading channel and frequency selective channel?
Q.1(b)(ii) What is meant by coherence time, coherence bandwidth and spread factor of a fading channel.
Q.1(c) Explain the impulse response model of a time varying mobile radio channel.
Q.1(d) Explain how the transmission bandwidth of a signal and speed of surrounding object in a mobile radio channel affect the fading pattern of a mobile radio channel.
Q.2 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.2 (a) Explain with the help of block diagram the working of quadrature modulation based MSK modulator.
Q.2(b) Explain four parameters which are considered for quality speech transmission and reception.
Q.2(c) Explain frame efficiency in a TDMA system. How many number of channel slots can be provided in a TDMA mobile system whose channel bandwidth is Bc and total spectrum allocated is Bt. The maximum number of TDMA users supported on each radio channel is m and allocated guard band is Bg.
Q.2(d) What is near–far problem in CDMD wireless system ? What is done to combat this problem ?
Q.2(e) Explain cochannel interference and adjacent channel interference in a cellular system.What is the relation between cochannel resue ratio and cluster size in a cellular system?
Q.2(f) On what factors does the hand off depend in the mobile system? What is a forced hand off and mobile assisted hand off?
Q.3 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.3 (a) Define radio capacity of a cellular system. The total allocated spectrum for a cellular system is Bt and channel bandwidth is Bc. If the co-channel reuse factor Q for a cluster size N, What is the ratio capacity for a path loss exponent n ?
Q.3 (b) Explain the methods for increasing the capacity of cellular CDMA system.
Q.3 (c) Explain the salient features of VS DC/ AMPS Interim standard 54 (IS-54).
Q.3 (d) Explain the functions of all the channels in united states digital cellular (USDC) system.
Q.3 (e)(i) Explain cyclic redundancy check process for detection of error in mobile channel.
(ii) Explain forward error correction process.
Q.3 (f) Explain the communication standard of any one mobile system.
Q.4 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.4 (a) What is the difference between wireless and fixed telephone networks? Explain with the help of block diagram the working of a cellular radio network.
Q.4 (b) What is common channel signaling? Describe the common channel signaling architecture for wireless networks.
Q.4 (c) Explain the following:
(i) Message transfer part of signaling system No.7 (SS7).
(ii) Wireless multimedia.
Q.5 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.5 (a) Explain the satellite network configuration for a point to point link, broadcast link and VSAT link. Explain the fixed format FDMA format for satellite communication.
Q.5 (b) What is universal mobile telecommunication system. Explain its working with reference to distributed database and network reachability.
Q.5 (c) Explain the working of all traffic channels and controlled channels used in GSM system.
Q.5 (d) Explain the modification in standard which have been proposed in third generation cellular system.

Wireless Communication, B.Tech UPTU,(2003-2004)

B.Tech (U.P.T.U.)
Wireless communications
Q.1 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.1(a) Define the far-field (or fraunhofer region)of a transmitting antenna. Find out the received power n dBm at a free space distance of 1 km if the power transmitted from a unity gain antenna is 50 watts.
Q.1(b) Name some of the commonly used outdoor propagation models for mobile commutation systems. Discuss any one of these in brief.
Q.1(c) Explain, briefly the physical factors influencing small-scale fading in radio channels.
Q.1(d)What are various time dispersion multipath channel parameters used for designing of wireless systems? Define them and give their mathematical expression.
Q.1(e) A flat Rayleigh signal at 6 GHz is received by a mobile travelling at 60 km/hr. Determine duration of a fade below the rms level.
Q.1(f) How much bandwidth is required for an analog frequency modulated signal that has an audio bandwidth of 5KHz and a index of three? How much output SNR improvement would be obtained, if the modulation index is increased to five? what is the trade off bandwidth for this improvement?
Q.2 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.2(a)Discuss a method of locating co-channel cells in a cellular system.
Q.2(b)With the help of received signal level plot, explain the difference between an improper and a proper hand off situation.
Q.2(c) Give a point-by-point brief note an channel planning for wireless systems.
Q.2(d) What are the various techniques possible to improve coverage and capacity in cellular systems? discuss cell splitting in brief.
Q.2(e)How does Gaussian MSK differ from MSK? discuss GMSK in brief.
Q.2(f)What makes code-Excited lpc(CE-LPC) a difficult option as speech encoder out of other LPC encoders? Discuss in brief.
Q.3 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.3(a) Define bandwidth efficiency and relate it with error correction capability in bandwidth limited application. Discuss any block code encoder and decoder used for error correction.
Q.3(b) What is the fundamental difference in concepts for calculating the capacity CDMA cellular system over FDMA cellular system.
Q.3(c) Giving in brief description of system architecture and interfaces. discuss GSM system for mobile communication.
Q.4 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.4(a) Describe a common channel signaling (CCS)network architecture based on SS7.Discuss network services part of SS7 and draw a layered SS7 protocol architecture.
Q.4(b) Give a brief account of developments so far achieved in wireless multimedia services.
Q.4(c) What restricts a wireless in local (WLL) service to be regarded a mobile cellular service? compare both to highlight technological difference or similarities.
Q.5 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.5(a) Mobile satellite communication.
Q.5(b) Third generation cellular systems.
Q.5(c) Universal mobile telecommunication systems.

Data Communication Networks B.Tech UPTU (2009-2010)

B.Tech (U.P.T.U.)
Data Communication Networks
Q.1 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.1(a) Explain the function of the each layer in OSI reference model in brief .
Q.1(b) What are the various design issues involved in the data link layer? Discuss the advantages of sliding window protocol over other data link protocol.
Q.1(c) Discuss the packet switching principle. How it is different from circuit switching ?
Q.2 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.2 (a) Discuss the medium access control schemes.
Q.2(b) Explain that the maximum efficiency of pure ALOHA is 1/(2e).
Q.2(c) An 8 Bit byte with binary value 11000011 is to be encoded using even parity hamming code. What is the binary value after encoding?
Q.2(d) How many number of signal level is needed to transmit 128 kbps over noiseless channel with bandwidth of 20 kHz ?
Q.2(e) Discuss the operation of HDLC as a bit oriented link control protocol.
Q.2(f) Explain the leaky bucket algorithm.
Q.3 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.3 (a) What is the datagram subnet and virtual circuit subnet? Differentiate between adaptive and non-adaptive routing.
Q.3 (b) Explain the various causes for congestion in a network.
Q.3 (c) Describe the purpose of ARP and Explain how it works.
Q.3 (d) Explain stop and wait ARQ error control techniques.
Q.3 (e) Explain how a data link layer protocol that manage communication and packet framing between DTE and DCE device in X.25 network.
Q.4 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.4 (a) Write short note on the following:
(i) Electronic mail(SMTP),
(ii) File Transfer(FTP),
(iii) Remote login(telnet),
(iv) Web(HTTP).
Q.4 (b) With the help of suitable example discuss the remote bridges. Write a brief note on bridge forwarding and filtering.
Q.4 (c) What are the various design issues involved in the network layer? Explain the different routing algorithm used to route the packets from source machine to the destination.
Q.5 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.5 (a) What is 802.11 medium access controls? How it works for the reliable dat delivery, access control and security?
Q.5 (b) What is IP datagram? Differentiate between IP datagram format and TCP segment format. How TCP is used for connection oriented reliable feature to the service of IP? Explain.
Q.5 (c) What is ATM architecture? Where it is Used? Describe various switching fabrics used to route the cell from a source end point to the destination end point.

Data Communication Networks B.Tech UPTU (2011-2012)

B.Tech (U.P.T.U.)
Data Communication Networks
Q.1 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.1(a) Discuss design issues for the layered architecture of data communication.
Q.1(b) Classify service primitives. Define protocol. Discuss the service primitive, used for connection oriented services.
Q.1(c) Compare EIA RS-232C and ETA RS-449.
Q.1(d) Discuss the specification of Ethernet.
Q.1(e) What is Multiplexing? Compare TDM and FDM.
Q.1(f) Discuss the salient feature of hybrid switching with relevant example.
Q.2 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.2 (a) Discuss the salient feature of character oriented and bit oriented protocols .
Q.2(b) What is the importance of data link layer? Discuss the services it is providing to network layer.
Q.2(c) What are the IEEE standards develop for the local area Networking?
Explain their working.
Q.2(d) Explain the working of stop and wait ARQ and GO-Back-N ARQ.
Q.2(e) For p=110011 and M=11100011,Find CRC.
Q.2(f) Differentiate between pure and slotted ALOHA. Show frame transmission and vulnerable time for slotted ALOHA and prove that the maximum utilization of slotted ALOHA occurs at G=1 with value 36.8%.
Q.3 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.3 (a) Discuss the Design issue of Network layer with example. Explain Bellman-ford routing algorithm.
Q.3 (b)Differentiate between open loop and close loop congestion control. How traffic policing differs from traffic shapping? Explain leaky bucket algorithm.
Q.3 (c) Discuss the role Bridges, Router, Gateways in internet connection.List the message types associated with Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP) .
Q.3 (d) Explain the functions of all the channels in united states digital cellular (USDC) system.
Q.4 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.4 (a)Discuss the design issue of transport layer.Explain the term connection management.
Q.4 (b)Explain TCP transmission policy and congestion control.
Q.4 (c)Discuss the performance issues of computer network.
Q.5 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.5 (a) TCP/IP protocol suite.
Q.5 (b) Addressing mechanism of TCP/IP.
Q.5 (c) DNS.
Q.5 (d) FTP.
Q.5 (d) SMTP
Q.5 (d) Relevance of w.w.w.