Data Communication Networks B.Tech UPTU (2011-2012)

B.Tech (U.P.T.U.)
Data Communication Networks
Q.1 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.1(a) Discuss design issues for the layered architecture of data communication.
Q.1(b) Classify service primitives. Define protocol. Discuss the service primitive, used for connection oriented services.
Q.1(c) Compare EIA RS-232C and ETA RS-449.
Q.1(d) Discuss the specification of Ethernet.
Q.1(e) What is Multiplexing? Compare TDM and FDM.
Q.1(f) Discuss the salient feature of hybrid switching with relevant example.
Q.2 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.2 (a) Discuss the salient feature of character oriented and bit oriented protocols .
Q.2(b) What is the importance of data link layer? Discuss the services it is providing to network layer.
Q.2(c) What are the IEEE standards develop for the local area Networking?
Explain their working.
Q.2(d) Explain the working of stop and wait ARQ and GO-Back-N ARQ.
Q.2(e) For p=110011 and M=11100011,Find CRC.
Q.2(f) Differentiate between pure and slotted ALOHA. Show frame transmission and vulnerable time for slotted ALOHA and prove that the maximum utilization of slotted ALOHA occurs at G=1 with value 36.8%.
Q.3 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.3 (a) Discuss the Design issue of Network layer with example. Explain Bellman-ford routing algorithm.
Q.3 (b)Differentiate between open loop and close loop congestion control. How traffic policing differs from traffic shapping? Explain leaky bucket algorithm.
Q.3 (c) Discuss the role Bridges, Router, Gateways in internet connection.List the message types associated with Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP) .
Q.3 (d) Explain the functions of all the channels in united states digital cellular (USDC) system.
Q.4 Attempt any two parts of the following: (10*2=20 Marks)
Q.4 (a)Discuss the design issue of transport layer.Explain the term connection management.
Q.4 (b)Explain TCP transmission policy and congestion control.
Q.4 (c)Discuss the performance issues of computer network.
Q.5 Attempt any four parts of the following: (5*4=20 Marks)
Q.5 (a) TCP/IP protocol suite.
Q.5 (b) Addressing mechanism of TCP/IP.
Q.5 (c) DNS.
Q.5 (d) FTP.
Q.5 (d) SMTP
Q.5 (d) Relevance of w.w.w.

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